The Flock

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ring in the year of the rat with lucky food

On January 1, we ushered in the new decade of 2020 on the Gregorian calendar. This weekend is a chance to celebrate new beginnings again with the Lunar New Year.…

chef margo mccormack hosts pop up brunch

There’s been a hole in the Nashville brunch scene for more than two years since Margot Cafe & Bar announced they were discontinuing their weekend midday service, but hey, chef/owner…

chef sam diminich beats bobby flay in competition

On Thursday, January 16, the “America’s Funniest Food Show” episode of Beat Bobby Flay aired on Food Network. And Charlotte’s very own Chef Sam Diminich of Upstream was one of…

new hotel restaurants and bars are destination worthy for locals

Hotel restaurants are always there for the weary traveler with reliable yet often uninspiring menus. Most usually have a bar just around the corner, but within sight of the lobby.…

experience a unique dinner with anomaly in charlotte

Ever eat lobster on a rose petal? Cracked open a chocolate shell to find chicken underneath? Tasted yogurt off a plastic basketball? The answer here is probably no unless you…

top chefs to host dinner for le bonheur children’s hospital

It’s not too early to start planning for some culinary travel, especially when it’s a really special event that only happens every other year! It’s even better if it’s an…

nosh by the fireplace in atlanta

Old Man Winter has arrived. It’s the time of year when we are tempted to stay indoors and hibernate until cold winds abate and the weather warms. Instead of staying…

julia jaksic named executive chef of roze pony

Photo Credit: Roze Pony Chef Julia Jaksic has worked all over the world, helming kitchens as executive chef of Employees Only Singapore and earning a reputation for her talents at…

charlotte restaurant week returns january 17th

Looking to branch out but don’t know where to start? It can be hard to narrow down a dinner destination in Charlotte with so many new restaurants opening every month.…


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